Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Chamber. They participate in chamber committees and task forces and are the strength of the organization. The chamber depends upon these men and women who care enough about the community to get involved. Without them, the Chamber would cease to exist. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees listed below, please contact us at 586-493-7600 or email info@macombcountychamber.com to find out meeting dates and times.

Finance & Operations Committee

The Finance and Operations Committee holds a firm understanding of the Macomb County Chamber’s financial position at all times. The committee provides oversight of monthly financial statements, membership reports and accounts receivable. The Committee reviews bookkeeping systems and the budget. The Finance committee reviews all expenses and revenue generating activities to ensure their adequacy in meeting the desired membership and financial base of the Chamber. The Committee monitors operations of the Chamber to strive for maximum efficiencies through oversight on personnel, quarters and equipment.

Ambassador Committee

Ambassadors – This committee will work as a public relations committee and concentrate on getting members involved.

Marketing & Program Committee

The Marketing and Programs Committee provides oversight to growing awareness of Macomb County Chamber value and programs/services, as well as increasing the effectiveness and professionalism of communications to all stakeholders. It is also responsible for directing and growing the Macomb County Chamber’s brand and franchise. This committee will provide oversight of the programs/events and member benefits the Chamber offers.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee develops the Macomb County Chamber’s membership recruiting and retention plan.

Aerospace and Defense

Be source of synchronization for all stakeholder activities under the auspices of the Macomb County Chamber. Provide advocacy of military policy, protection of military installations and promote the growth of innovation and business in the defense community of southeastern Michigan. Attract additional capabilities favorable to Macomb County’s already well-established defense infrastructure, further enhancing the region’s competitive advantage as a key player within the defense landscape.

Public Policy Committee

The Public Policy Committee provides a forum for reviewing public policy issues that impact the economic health and pro business climate of the community.