Our Valuable Team Members

Kelley Lovati
Kelley LovatiPresident & CEO
April Byerly
April ByerlyOffice Coordinator
Handles the Chamber’s database, committee management, office management, answers phones, takes payments.
Jessica Romanosky
Jessica RomanoskyDirector of Member Engagement
Responsible for coordinating events, marketing opportunities and member engagement.
Heather Schmuckel
Heather Schmuckel Director of Business Development
Handles new member sign-ups and expresses value of membership. Coordinates the L.E.A.D.S networking groups & Ambassador Committee.
Ashly Garlick
Ashly Garlick Director of Finance
Handles and maintains accurate and timely financial records. Prepares financial statements for the Chambers multiple entities.
Robert Perakis
Robert PerakisDirector of Business Development
Handles new member sign-ups and expresses value of membership.